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Recent Sightings July 2022

31 Jul:  There were 22 Black Kites over the Rock in the morning, and around 12 Cory's Shearwaters were observed off Europa Point.

A light phase Booted Eagle was seen hunting over the Mount Gardens.  There were single Robin and Bonelli's Warbler seen in the Nature Reserve.

In the afternoon approximately 80 Cory's Shearwaters, two Balearic Shearwaters, 2 Gannets and five Audouin's Gulls were observed from Sandy Bay.


27 Jul:  Clear skies with a moderate south-westerly turning to fresh westerly in the afternoon.

A trickle of Black Kites in the morning, but steady passage mid afternoon and evening when 100s of Black Kites flew south.  No counts were made but an estimate of 1500 birds involved.

At Europa Point a flock of five Avocets flew west.


26 Jul:  Clear skies with a light to moderate westerly wind.

A Robin was observed at the Toc-H site.

A morning watch at Europa Point produced an adult Gannet, a juvenile Shag east,  two Cory's Shearwaters, seven Audouin's Gulls including first two juveniles, two Black Kites, a light phase Booted Eagle hunting over Windmill Hill and 13 Kestrels arriving from across the Strait.

In the afternoon there were some Black Kites arriving across the Strait in an aborted crossing.  later there was another flock crossing the Bay and gaining height over Jews' gate, and then in the late evening hundreds crossed the runway and gained height over the Rock.  In all there were at least 850 Black Kites together with 1353 Common Swifts counted from Princess Caroline's Battery.

An afternoon watch from Europa Point produced five Cory's Shearwaters, a Balearic Shearwater, 10 Shags, an Oystercatcher, an adult Mediterranean Gull, 12 Audouin's Gulls including five juveniles, 318 Black Kites, six Kestrels, two Peregrines and a Swallow.


25 Jul:  Clear skies with a light easterly breeze.

An Isabelline Warbler was seen and heard in a garden in the town by Shakery's Passage, and a juvenile Golden Oriole was found stunned in town.  After a few hours it recovered and was released.

Just a single Audouin's Gull at Europa Point in calm conditions and a flock of eight Swallows.  In the evening a Grey Heron flew past Rosia Bay.


24 Jul:  Again fog along east side in the morning clearing mid morning.  Winds light easterly.

A Hoopoe was seen along Tovey Battery in the morning.

An hours watch at Europa Point produced 25 Cory's Shearwaters and three Audouin's Gulls.


23 Jul:  Fog alone the east side of the Rock in the morning, dissipating mid morning.  Winds light easterly.

In the afternoon at Europa Point there were six Cory's Shearwaters and three Audouin's Gulls heading west.

A Grey Heron flew past Little bay at night.


22 Jul:  Clear skies with a light easterly wind.

An Alpine Swift was observed from O' Hara's battery.


20 Jul:  Clear skies with a light easterly wind.

A Spotted Flycatcher was seen above the Garrison Library gardens.



19 Jul:  Clear skies with a light to moderate westerly to southerly wind.

A Melodious Warbler was seen in the Nature Reserve.



17 Jul:  Clear skies with a light easterly wind.

Two adult Spotted Flycatchers were observed along Engineer road.


15 Jul:  A Cattle Egret was seen flying south off Sandy Bay.


14 Jul:  A Turnstone was observed on the rocks along the exterior of the South Mole.  A Short-toed Eagle flew south over town in the afternoon chased by Yellow-legged Gulls.


12 Jul:  A Robin was present in the Museum garden.  Presumably the resident bird from Commonwealth Park.


07 Jul:  A Melodious Warbler was seen in the Vineyards area.  A Little Egret was seen heading north at Western Beach.


05 Jul:  Four Griffon Vultures were seen arriving across the Strait.  They soared over Windmill hill and then flew north.


04 Jul:  Clear skies with a moderate westerly wind.

At Europa Point there were 24 Balearic Shearwaters, six Shags,  eight adult Mediterranean Gulls and six Audouin's Gulls..


03 Jul:  Overcast skies in a light to moderate westerly wind.  Sunny spells after midday with skies clearing afterwards.

A morning visit to Europa Point produced four Cory's Shearwaters, eight Balearic Shearwaters and an Audouin's Gull.