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Recent Sightings April 2022

30 Apr:  Clear skies with a light easterly wind becoming light westerly in the late afternoon.

 Ringing Totals

Species New Retrap Total
Melodious Warbler 3   3
Bonelli's Warbler 3   3
Willow Warbler 7   7
Garden Warbler 3   3
Sardinian Warbler   2 2
Whitethroat 1   1
Robin 1   1
Pied Flycatcher 2   2
Common Redstart 1   1
Greenfinch 1   1
Total 22 2 24



There were Robins at Commonwealth Park and at Vineyards, and a first summer Audouin's Gull was present at Eastern Beach.

First summer Audouin's Gull at Eastern Beach.                        D. Murray.




Apr 29:  Levanter cloud over the Rock, town and harbour clearing in the afternoon to give sunny spells.  Winds a moderate easterly.

 Ringing Totals

Species New Retrap Total
Woodchat Shrike 1   1
Blue Tit   2 2
Melodious Warbler 1   1
Reed Warbler 1   1
Willow Warbler 3 1 4
Bonelli's Warbler 10   10
Wood Warbler 1   1
Garden Warbler 8   8
Orphean Warbler 3   3
Blackbird   2 2
Robin 1   1
Nightingale 2   2
Pied Flycatcher 2   2
Common Redstart 2   2
Whitethroat 2   2
Total 37 5 42


Also seen from the Observatory were single Booted Eagle, Sparrowhawk, four Swallows and a Jackdaw.



Apr 28:  Mainly clear skies with some westerly cloud in the morning but Cumulo-nimbus clouds developing over Morocco and Spain, with a thunderstorm approaching Gibraltar from the north mid afternoon to give a spell of heavy rain and hail. Clearing in the late afternoon.  Winds light variable in the early morning turning to a light westerly in the afternoon.

Light winds dictated the raptor passage with most birds flying up the Bay and over the harbour.  Very few birds made it and passage stopped during the thunderstorm and only resumed with just a few more birds. Totals were 47 Honey Buzzards, 48 Black Kites, a Marsh Harrier and two Hobbies.


 Ringing Totals

Species New Retrap Total
Willow Warbler 5   5
Bonelli's Warbler 2   2
Garden Warbler 1   1
Blackcap   2 2
Spotted Flycatcher      
Nightingale 1   1
Pied Flycatcher 2   2
Greenfinch   2 2
Total 11 4 15



Apr 27:  Mainly clear skies with some high cloud.  Winds light to moderate north-westerly.

A Nightingale was heard by Trafalgar Heights,  five Bonelli's Warblers were present at Westview Promenade, a male Redstart was observed at the Botanic Gardens and a Robin was present at the Trafalgar Cemetery.

A first summer Audouin's Gull was present on Catalan Bay beach.

Ringing Totals

Species New Retrap Total
Melodious Warbler      
Willow Warbler 5   5
Bonelli's Warbler 2   2
Garden Warbler 1   1
Blackcap   2 2
Nightingale 1   1
Pied Flycatcher 2   2
Greenfinch   2 2
Total 11 4 15

 A visit to Windmill Hill produced two Barbary Partridges, 31 Swallows, seven Red-rumped Swallows, seven Sardinian Warblers, a Whitethroat, eight Blackbirds, 41 Spotless Starlings, a Pied Flycatcher, a Blue Rock Thrush and a Whinchat.

A flight of 28 Flamingoes at midnight over the North Mole.  A Reyes.

Also seen in during the day were 70 Honey Buzzards,110 Black Kites, three Griffon Vultures, a first summer Egyptian Vulture, a Short-toed Eagle, two Marsh Harriers,17 Sparrowhawk, 19 Booted Eagles, and an Osprey.   Also seen were 38 Swallows and three Red-rumped Swallows.

A flock of 10 Avocets were seen from Europa Point heading west, and a Little Egret was resting on the rock at Europa foreshore.

Little Egret  Dave Murdoch.

Little Egret Dave Murdoch.

Little Egret Dave Murdoch.

Little Egret Dave Murdoch.



26 Apr:  Overcast skies with a heavy levanter cloud over the Rock, town and harbour, with slight drizzle mid afternoon.  Winds moderate easterly.

A visit to Windmill Hill in the afternoon produced the following:-

Barbary Partridge 22
Woodchat Shrike 6
Melodious Warbler 3
Swallow 2
Willow Warbler 9
Orphean Warbler 1
Sardinian Warbler 16
Subalpine Warbler 2
Whitethroat 3
Wren 5
Spotless Starling 87
Blackbird 17
Nightingale 4
Spotted Flycatcher 1
Pied Flycatcher 9
Common Redstart 6
Blue Rock Thrush 2
Whinchat 10
Northern Wheatear 4
Ortolan Bunting 1


Ringing Totals

Species New Retrap Total
Melodious Warbler 4   4
Willow Warbler 26   26
Bonelli's Warbler 6   6
Blackbird 1   1
Spotted Flycatcher 1   1
Nightingale 2 1 3
Pied Flycatcher 12   12
Common Redstart 3   3
Sardinian Warbler 1 2 3
Whitethroat 5   5
Blackcap   7 7
Garden Warbler 6   6
Great Tit   1 1
Total 67 11 78

A Short-toed Eagle was seen from the Observatory, and the Iberian Magpie was spotted around the Europa point area.

At Casemates there were single Woodchat Shrike, Subalpine Warbler and a Pied Flycatcher in the vegatation at the site, and four Red-rumped Swallows flew south overhead.


25 Apr:  Clear skies with some high cloud.  Winds light variable to light easterly in the afternoon.

The Iberian Magpie was seen around Jews' Gate at dawn, and a Woodchat Shrike was seen at Westview Promenade.

Ringing Totals

Species Full Grown Retrap Total
Blue Tit   1 1
Willow Warbler 5   5
Bonelli's Warbler 4   4
Blackbird   1 1
Garden Warbler 3   3
Blackcap 2   2
Robin 2   2
Nightingale   1 1
Total 16 3 19


A Jackdaw was observed along the east side sand slopes.  A flock of 22 Slender-billed Gulls flew south off Europa Point.  A Sparrowhawk was also seen from the Observatory.

In the afternoon a visit to the Botanic Gardens produced a Woodchat Shrike, 11 Blue Tits, three Great Tits, two Willow Warblers, three Sardinian Warblers,  16 Blackbirds, five Garden Warblers, seven Blackcaps and 17 Greenfinch.  A Robin and a Bonelli's Warbler were present opposite the Grand parade car park.



24 Apr:  Sunny spells with some westerly cloud , with some high cloud as well.  Overcast over Morocco, and hazy in the Strait.  Winds light variable to light westerly and a moderate south-westerly breeze in the Strait..

A Tawny Pipit was seen flying over the Observatory in the morning, and a Redshank was heard calling and seen offshore at Sandy Bay. A Nightingale was heard calling at Jacob's Ladder and two more were heard along Lathbury Hill, together with a Robin.  A Spotted Flycatcher was present in the Botanic Gardens.  In the afternoon the Iberian Magpie was seen over the Observatory.

Ringing Totals

Species Full Grown Retrap Total
Blue Tit 2 1 3
Willow Warbler 2   2
Bonelli's Warbler 3   3
Wren 1   1
Blackbird 1 4 5
Garden Warbler 6   6
Blackcap 1   1
Sardinian Warbler 1 3 4
Redstart 1   1
Nightingale 2   2
Pied Flycatcher 3   3
Total 23 8 31

Just a trickle of raptors and hirundines in the morning and some more in the late afternoon.  Totals were 58 Honey Buzzards, 18 Black Kites, a Short-toed Eagle, seven Marsh Harriers, two Montagu's Harriers, 10 Booted Eagles, eight Sparrowhawks, a Hobby, 64 Bee-eaters, 95 Swallows and 17 House Martins.

A Common Sandpiper was heard calling along the rocks at Europa foreshore.



23 Apr:  Cloudy with sunny spells, clearing further in the afternoon.  Winds moderate north-westerly in the morning turning to fresh westerly and fresh to strong south-westerly in the afternoon.

Some raptors managed to cross in the morning despite the strong winds, and many flew along the east side of the Rock.  Totals of birds for the day as follows:-

Black Stork 15
Honey Buzzard 40
Black Kite 700
Griffon Vulture 2
Egyptian Vulture 2
Short-toed Eagle 22
Montagu's Harrier 1
Sparrowhawk 33
Booted Eagle 94
Hobby 4
Kestrel 1
Bee-eater 43
Swallow 137
House Martin 10
Goldfinch 12

 A male Subalpine Warbler was seen in the planters by Westview Park.



22 Apr:  Overcast with showers as a frontal system sweeps through Iberia, winds strong westerly.  In the afternoon winds strong to gale force south-westerly with heavy showers.

A visit to North Front Cemetery early in the morning produced two Kestrels, 15 Woodchat Shrikes, three Willow Warblers, a Melodious Warbler, a Garden Warbler, two Sardinian Warblers, two Subalpine Warblers, two Orphean Warblers, nine Blackbirds, a NightingaleCommon Redstart, 11 Spotless Starlings and a Yellow Wagtail.

There was a Woodchat Shrike at Westview Promenade, and a Tree Pipit overflew the Botanic Gardens.

A Honey Buzzard managed to cross in the strong winds and arrived at Europa Point.


21 Apr:  Mainly clear skies with some westerly cloud.  Winds fresh westerly, turning to fresh north-westerly by midday and then resuming to westerly later in the afternoon.

A steady passage of raptors throughout the day with some flocks of Griffon Vultures.

Honey Buzzard 1
Black Kite 680
Griffon Vulture 119
Black Vulture 1
Egyptian Vulture 3
Short-toed Eagle 22
Marsh Harrier 3
Montagu's Harrier 2
Sparrowhawk 44
Booted Eagle 92
Osprey 1
Hobby 10
Kestrel 1
Lesser Kestrel 1


A Griffon Vulture that did not make it, washed up at Camp Bay.

Also seen crossing the Strait were a 47 Swallows, six House Martins, a Black Stork, a Greenfinch and a Serin.  The Iberian Magpie was seen around the Observatory.


20 Apr: 
Cloudy earlier in the morning clearing somewhat later on in a moderate to fresh north-westerly wind.

Steady passage of Black Kites and other raptors for the following:-

Black Kite 2136
Egyptian Vulture 4
Short-toed Eagle 2
Sparrowhawk 13
Booted Eagle 4
Hobby 8


Also seen were 198 Swallows, 84 House Martins, 308 Common Swifts, 200 Alpine Swifts,  and a Black Stork.



19 Apr:  Cloudy skies in the morning with some sunny spells, becoming clearer in the afternoon .  Winds strong south-westerly, becoming fresh westerly later in the day.

A Nightingale and a Robin were heard along Europa Road, and two Bonelli's Warblers were present in the Botanic Gardens.

 There was a steady passage of raptors and other diurnal migrants throughout the day with 310 Black Kites, four Egyptian Vultures, a Short-toed Eagle, a Marsh Harrier, a Montagu's Harrier, a Sparrowhawk, 27 Booted Eagles, an Osprey, and a Kestrel.  Also seen were two Cormorants, eight Glossy Ibises along the east side of the Rock, 30 Black Storks, 12 Swallows, two House Martins, two Greenfinches and a Goldfinch.



18 Apr:  Mainly clear skies with some high cloud and hazy sunshine.  Winds light easterly, becoming light variable in the afternoon with light south-westerly in the evening.

Late in the evening nine Black Kites and three Short-toed Eagles flew north.

A total of 23 new birds were ringed at the Observatory.

Ringing Totals

Species New Retrap Total
Willow Warbler 5   5
Bonelli's Warbler 1   1
Chiffchaff 2   2
Blackbird 1   1
Blackcap 1 2 3
Sardinian Warbler 1 1 2
Subalpine Warbler 1   1
Nightingale 2   2
Pied Flycatcher 6   6
Total 20 3 23



17 Apr: Clear skies and very warm with 29oC temperature.  Wind a light easterly becoming light variable in the afternoon and light westerly in the evening.

 A trickle of raptors  and other migrants crossed the Strait in the late afternoon and evening with 61 Black Kites, a Short-toed Eagle, three Marsh Harriers, four Montagu's Harrier, a Hen Harrier, seven Booted Eagles, 14 Sparrowhawks, two Ospreys, a Hobby, 1271 Common Swifts and eight Swallows.  Also seen were two Cormorants, two Jackdaws and a Raven.

Only 11 new birds were ringed at the Observatory with seven Willow Warblers, two Bonelli's Warblers, a a Blackcap and a Pied Flycatcher.


16 Apr:  Clear skies with a light easterly wind.

The Hawfinch was still present in the Botanic Gardens.  also present there was a Willow Warbler.  A Great Tit was singing at Convent Place.

An adult and three first winter plumage Cormorants were seen on the rocks by Seven Sisters.


15 Apr:  Clear skies and very warm and hazy.  Winds light to moderate easterly.

A flock of 10 Cormorants were seen heading north from Europa Point.


14 Apr:  Clear skies with a light to moderate westerly wind.

A Jackdaw was seen over Europa Road and a Bonelli's Warbler was singing in the Botanic Gardens.

An Afternoon watch from the Jews' Gate layby produced the following, 45 Black Kites, four Griffon Vultures, a Black Vulture, 10 Short-toed Eagles, four Marsh Harriers, a Hen Harrier, 15 Sparrowhawks, 35 Booted Eagles, an Osprey, a Hobby, two Lesser Kestrels, two Kestrels,  30 Swallows, a Willow Warbler, a Common Redstart, a Nightingale, a Raven, and 53 Spotless Starlings.


13 Apr:  Cloudy skies with some light drizzle in the morning clearing by midday with some sunny spells.  Winds fresh west becoming moderate south-westerly in the afternoon.

Small passage of raptors after cloud cover dissipated with most passage during the afternoon.  Totals of migrant birds were a White Stork, 72 Black Kites, a Black Vulture, an Egyptian Vulture, eight Short-toed Eagles, a Marsh Harrier, 10 Sparrowhawks, 35 Booted Eagles, three Kestrels, 19 Swallows and a House Martin.  Also seen on the Upper Rock were three Garden Warblers, two Sardinian Warblers and four Goldfinches.

Black Vulture over the Rock.                                           P. Rocca.


12 Apr:  Overcast skies with westerly showers throughout the morning. Winds moderate to fresh westerly.

A Marsh Harrier was seen from Jews' Gate in the early morning.  Five Black Storks were seen over Windmill Hill.

A morning visit to the North Front cemetery produced two Woodchat Shrikes, a Melodious Warbler, three Sardinian Warblers, eight Blackbirds, a Nightingale, five Common Redstarts, a Black Redstart, a Blue Rock Thrush and a Whinchat.

At Europa point there were three Gannets, a Great Skua, two Black-headed Gulls, a Sandwich Tern, a Montagu's Harrier, a Sparrowhawk, three Booted Eagles, an Osprey and a Kestrel.


11 Apr:  Levanter cloud over the Rock, town and harbour in the morning and early afternoon, with moderate easterly winds becoming light by mid-afternoon and turning to south-westerly in the evening.

A Visit to Windmill Hill in the afternoon produced the following:-

Barbary Partridge 8
Hoopoe 2
Wryneck 1
Woodchat Shrike 7
Zitting Cisticola 1
Melodious Warbler 2
Willow Warbler 9
Blackcap 1
Garden Warbler 1
Orphean Warbler 1
Sardinian Warbler 30
Subalpine Warbler 3
Whitethroat 1
Wren 1
Spotless Starling 67
Blackbird 21
Robin 1
Nightingale 14
Pied Flycatcher 1
Common Redstart 25
Blue Rock Thrush 4
Whinchat 12
Tree Pipit 1
Greenfinch 1

An Orphean Warbler was observed around Europa Point. A Hoopoe was present at Commonwealth Park, and two Montagu's Harriers and a Black Kite were seen in the evening heading north.



10 Apr:  Heavy levanter cloud in the morning, lifting in the afternoon to give sunny spells.  Winds fresh easterly, becoming light and turning to south westerly late in the afternoon..

An early morning visit to North Front Cemetery produced around 50 Pallid Swifts, a Cormorant flying east across the runway, six Woodchat Shrikes, a Sardinian Warbler, two Subalpine Warblers, three Blackbirds, three Common Redstarts and three Spotless Starlings.

 A Woodchat Shrike was present at Westview promenade and a Bee-eater was seen around the Apes Den.


09 Apr:  Clear skies with a moderate westerly becoming moderate to fresh south-westerly in the Strait.

The Hoopoe remained at Commonwealth park, and two Jackdaws were seen around the South District.

The Iberian Magpie was seen around the Europa Mosque.

Diurnal migration of birds throughout the day including raptors produced the following:-

White Stork 4
Black Stork 2
Black Kite 320
Griffon Vulture 1
Short-toed Eagle 24
Marsh Harrier 9
Hen Harrier 2
Sparrowhawk 41
Booted Eagle 145
Osprey 2
Hobby 1
Kestrel 2
Bee-eater 125
Swallow 23
Red-rumped Swallow 6
House Martin 10
Alpine Swift 40
Greenfinch 12
Goldfinch 21



08 Apr:  Clear skies with a moderate westerly wind.

A steady passage of raptors and other diurnal migrants throughout the day produced the following:-

White Stork 6
Black Stork 3
Black Kite 696
Short-toed Eagle 18
Marsh Harrier 10
Montagu's Harrier 8
Sparrowhawk 72
Buzzard 1
Booted Eagle 184
Osprey 1
Kestrel 2
Lesser Kestrel 6
Bee-eater 187
Swallow 50
Red-rumped Swallow 4
House Martin 32

A Subalpine Warbler was seen by the Jews' Gate layby and a Hoopoe was present at Commonwealth Park.  A Hawfinch was photographed at the Botanic Gardens.


Hawfinch in the Alameda Botanic Gardens.                                 J. Henwood.


07 Apr:  Clear skies in warm sunshine and a light to moderate westerly wind.

There was a Hoopoe at Europort, and a Cormorant and seven Sandwich Terns offshore in the harbour waters.  An injured Wryneck, (apparently a cat had it in its mouth), was rescued at the Convent Gardens.

An afternoon visit to North Front Cemetery produced four Woodchat Shrikes, a Sardinian Warbler, four Blackbirds, a dead Nightingale killed by a cat, a Black Redstart, six Common Redstarts, a Northern Wheatear and 35 Bee-eaters.

A  watch from 16:15 - 20:20 produced 488 Black Kites, a Short-toed Eagle, 16 Marsh Harriers, six Montagu's Harriers, 15 Booted Eagles, 25 Sparrowhawks, three Kestrels, five Lesser Kestrels, 43 Swallows, 12 House Martins, and 437 Bee-eaters.  Large numbers of Bee-eater flocks flew north in the fair weather and must have numbered in the 1000s.


 In the Botanic gardens there were four Willow Warblers, two Bonelli's Warblers, five Blue Tits, three Common Redstarts, four Pied Flycatchers and four Greenfinches.


06 Apr:  Some westerly cloud with sunny spells in the morning with light variable to light westerly winds.


Ringing Totals

Hoopoe 2
Woodchat Shrike 3
Willow Warbler 3
Chiffchaff 1
Subalpine Warbler 1
Blackcap 4
Garden Warbler 4
Whitethroat 2
Robin 2
Nightingale 3
Redstart 1
 Total 26


A Hoopoe was seen by Line Wall Road, and a male Pied Flycatcher on the Devil's Gap footpath.  a walk along the Nature Reserve roads produced two Hoopoes, five Nightingales, two Serins and three Greenfinches.  There was a Roller at Commonwealth Park, a Pied Flycatcher in the Botanic Gardens, and a Woodchat Shrike at Montagu Gardens estate.

A Dunlin was observed and photographed at Europa Point ,wandering about close to the Europa mound.  This is the 7th record for Gibraltar.

Dunlin.    D. Murdoch

Dunlin. D. Murdoch

Dunlin.          D. Murdoch

Dunlin. D. Murdoch


Single Black Kite and Sparrowhawk in light winds in the morning.

A visit to North Front Cemetery after midday produced two Hoopoes, nine Woodchat Shrikes, a Sardinian Warbler, a Garden Warbler, seven Blackbirds, two Nightingales and 13 Common Redstarts.  A Short-toed Eagle flew north overhead.

A visit to Windmill Hill in the afternoon in windy conditions produced the following:-

Barbary Partridge 4
Hoopoe 16
Woodchat Shrike 13
Swallow 4
Willow Warbler 12
Sardinian Warbler 14
Whitethroat 3
Spotless Starling 31
Song Thrush 1
Blackbird 12
Robin 1
Nightingale 16
Pied Flycatcher 1
Black Redstart 3
Common Redstart 25
Blue Rock Thrush 2
Northern Wheatear 4
Black-eared Wheatear 5
Greenfinch 2


05 Apr:  Overcast skies with heavy levanter.  Raining throughout the morning with some clear patches by midday and sunny spells, but becoming overcast once again in the late afternoon with more showers.  Winds fresh easterly in the morning decreasing to light and variable by midday, but becoming moderate easterly in the afternoon.

 Ringing Totals

Hoopoe 1
Willow Warbler 18
Chiffchaff 1
Iberian Chiffchaff 1
Bonelli's Warbler 5
Subalpine Warbler 1
Blackcap 5
Garden Warbler 2
Song Thrush 1
Nightingale 1
Pied Flycatcher 2
Redstart 2
 Total 40

The vegetated patch behind the Europa Mosque held a Woodchat Shrike, a Sedge Warbler, five Willow Warblers, two Chiffchaffs, six Subalpine Warblers, two Whitethroats, two Common Redstarts, a Nightingale, a Pied Flycatcher and a Siskin.

At the Europa foreshore there were  a Woodchat Shrike, 22 Willow Warblers, a Chiffchaff, a Subalpine Warbler, three Whitethroats, a Garden Warbler, four Nightingales and two Common Redstarts.

At Vineyards there were single Woodchat Shrike, Bonelli's Warbler and Nightingale, and on the lawn by Atlantic Suites three Hoopoes were foraging.  there was also a Cormorant feeding by Europort, three Sandwich Terns by Europlaza and a Grey Heron there flew south.

A visit to the North Front Cemetery once the weather had cleared produced the following:-

Hoopoe 6
Bee-eater heard
Wryneck 1
Woodchat Shrike 10
Melodious Warbler 1
Willow Warbler 2
Subalpine Warbler 5
Sardinian Warbler 4
Whitethroat 3
Blackbird 6
Nightingale 5
Black Redstart 4
Common Redstart 19
Black-eared Wheatear 1
Spotless Starling 5



04 Apr: Overcast skies with moderate drizzle throughout the day.  Winds strong to gale force easterly.

An early morning visit to the North Front Cemetery produced four Woodchat Shrikes, two Sardinian Warblers,  six Blackbirds, five Common Redstarts, two Black Redstarts and a Yellow Wagtail.

There was a Common Redstart and a Pied Flycatcher at the Botanic gardens where three Bonelli's Warblers were observed , with another Vinyards, as well as those trapped at the Observatory.  Single Nightingales were seen at Westview Park and on the Talus slope, but the Europa foreshore was poor with only three Woodchat Shrikes, and single Chiffchaff and Whitethroat.

 Ringing Totals

Willow Warbler 1
Bonelli's Warbler 6
Chiffchaff 2
Iberian Chiffchaff 1
Garden Warbler 2
Subalpine Warbler 1
Robin 3
Nightingale 5
Common Redstart 2



03 Apr: Scattered levanter cloud over the Rock in a fresh easterly wind.  Some hazy sunshine in the afternoon.

 The Botanic Gardens held a Hoopoe, two Willow Warblers, three Bonelli's Warblers, a Common Redstart and a Pied Flycatcher.

Single Wryneck, Whitethroat and Northern Wheatear were present at North Front Cemetery.

  Ringing Totals

Hoopoe 1
Woodchat Shrike 1
Willow Warbler 3
Bonelli's Warbler 7
Chiffchaff 2
Iberian Chiffchaff 1
Song Thrush 1
Blackbird 1
Blackcap 8
Subalpine Warbler 4
Robin 2
Nightingale 2
Common Redstart 2


A visit to North Front Cemetery produced two Hoopoes, three Woodchat Shrikes, a Chiffchaff, two Sardinian Warblers, two Blackbirds, a Robin, six Common Redstarts and a Nightingale

A Bonelli's Warbler was present at the Vineyards site.



02 Apr: Calm overnight but moderate easterly winds settling in as from 07:00hrs.  Levanter cloud forming over the Rock with hazy sunshine throughout the day.

An afternoon visit to the North Front Cemetery produced a number of migrants and resident birds consisting of eight Hoopoes, eight Woodchat Shrikes, two Sardinian Warblers, five Common Redstarts, three Black Redstarts, a Robin and a Blue Rock Thrush.

Ringing Totals

Bee-eater 1
Willow Warbler 5
Bonelli's Warbler 7
Chiffchaff 4
Sardinian Warbler 5
Subalpine warbler 1
Blackcap 5
Blackbird 2
Robin 2
Nightingale 1
 Total 33

The reclamation at Coaling Island held three Cormorants



01 Apr:  Cloudy skies with sunny spells in a moderate to fresh westerly wind.

A Melodious Warbler was seen at Little Bay.

A morning visit to North Front Cemetery produced 10 Hoopoes, 10 Woodchat Shrikes, six Sardinian Warblers, two Subalpine Warblers, nine Blackbirds, seven Common Redstarts, two Black Redstarts, a Robin, a Blue Rock Thrush, a White Wagtail, a Serin two Greenfinches and a Goldfinch.

Ringing Totals

Wryneck 1
Woodchat Shrike 1
Bonelli's Warbler 3
Chiffchaff 4
Blackcap 1
Robin 3
Greenfinch 2
 Total 15

A late afternoon visit to Europa Point produced a flurry of raptors with 412 Black Kites, two Griffon Vultures, a Short-toed Eagle, six Marsh Harriers, a Buzzard, two Montagu's Harriers, 45 Booted Eagles, 22 Sparrowhawks.  Also seen offshore were 12 Gannets, 13 Black-headed Gulls, two Audouin's Gulls, a Lesser Black-backed Gull and a Sandwich Tern.  In the surrounding vegetation a Willow Warbler and two Subalpine Warblers were observed, and overhead 12 Swallows arrived across the Strait.